When I became the latest custodian of the garden at Whistlewood, it was soon I clear that there has been little tending of the garden for a number of years, although beneath the overgrowth there is a well thought out structure.
My overall goals are
To maintain the garden in line with the vision of Edna Walling, and the original designer
to plant shrubs that would be good for the local birdlife.
For the first year, I set myself five main tasks
Tidy up - this mean collecting debris; mostly fallen branches and bark, and some of the abundance of oak leaves which are smothering some plants
Remove jasmine and ivy, especially when damaging other plants
Pruning dead wood
Contemplate what to do with the 'lawn'
Watch and wait to see what there is.
So far I have
‘rescued’ 3 camellias that were carrying a heavy load of jasmine and other vines.
Removed 2 barrowloads of onion weed
Gathered a large amount of fallen branches for kindling
Pulled ivy and jasmine out of trees.
Uncovered several prostrate bushes from beneath leaves or overgrowth of other plants
Planted some melaleucas and hardenbergia, and a grevilla
Below are photos showing the abundant growth in the garden - all taken August 2017